Site editor

This site is published by the company Dalmard Marine Manufacture :
Quai de Kernoa – 22500 PAIMPOL – FRANCE

Publication Director

Monsieur Maxime Dalmard
Tel. : +33 (0)2 96 55 12 38
Email : contact(at)


Studio de design Kaloa
30 rue de la République, 22440 PLOUFRAGAN
+33(0)6 61 14 87 05 –

La Fabrique 22
21 rue Bécot, 22500 PAIMPOL
+33(0)6 60 68 80 97 –


2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix, France (OVHcloud).

Illustrations, photographs, editorial content

Photo credits: Gildas Raffenel - Place cliché, Philippe Hurlet, Benjamin Decoin, Eric Huynh, Valéry Joncheray, Marco da Cunha, Emilia Jacotin, Yann Audic, Laurent Patouillard, Sacha Drouart, Eden Park, Dollyfilms/Belem Foundation, Olivier Lhemann, Mélanie Chaigneau, l’Œil de Paco, Atelier studio m.

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Dalmard Marine – Quai de Kernoa – 22500 PAIMPOL – FRANCE // Tél. : +33 (0)2 96 55 12 38


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